Thursday, 3 January 2008

A new beginning..

Well this is the first time that I have tried my hand at posting something on the web or ‘blogging’ as it is more commonly known nowadays.

I had read somewhere that everytime a person opens his mouth to express his opinion, he invites his audience to sneak into his mind. In short, the saying actually stresses on the importance of every small view/opinion that we have nourished and cherished in our minds with relevance to the values that we live for and will die for. Simply putting, in a group of people discussing about anything under the sun you can form a rough image of each and every person by analysing his point of view. This saying had set in so deeply in my mind that I had eschewed from writing anything in public for a long time (not that I had been harbouring any nasty ideas, mind you!!) in spite of so many of my friends urging me to write again and again. However, of late I have realised that in this world where all the transactions are carried out by pressing a few keys, nobody can remain isolated from the world. And hence, I am ready with my first blog. So the blog world, here I come!!

I have always believed that everybody should maintain a chronicle. Now what exactly do I mean by that chronicle? Do I mean a diary which says, 23rd October – Mom’s Birthday (Not to be missed at any cost, call up at 12 am sharp)?? Or is it the one where you find – 1st January – Woke up late with a hangover, skipped breakfast, fought with girlfriend…God, plz give me a break and blah blah blah?? Not exactly. Though of course any record will be incomplete without either mentioned above.

I am referring to those emotions that we feel when we undergo an emotional turmoil – my inhibitions, my misgivings, my joy, my tears all mine and nobody else’s. Unfortunately, so many of these moments are lost because of human nature and the urgency of the situation. After all, nobody will pick up a diary and start writing how he is feeling on hearing of a personal tragedy nor can anybody precisely recount it even later. But what we rarely realise is that our strength of character is seldom showcased more than ever in such thunderstruck situtations.

After such a long overture, I am sure all the readers will be confused as to where exactly am I driving to? I am not going to try your patience any more. I have always made it a point to pen down any event of my life, which I believe has changed me or my life in anyway. I have always fantasized that my teenaged great grand daughter may one day, sneak into a small cupboard and find this ragged looking notebook and after an inquisitive perusal find it to be the diary of her great grandmother whom she has never seen, not even heard of. Her only presence is limited to a few digital snaps that have been taken with her either parent sleeping in her lap. That will be something like a literary reincarnation of mine. She can see through my darkest fears, my quietest tears, my happiest laughter and my strength falter that I would have made a note of. She would be transported to another world, where she is no more herself but living her ancestor’s life, breathing her and feeling her. But of late I have realised that such a dream is highly improbable – even if a diary endures years of neglect it is amost impossible that it will be accessible to an adolescent a few centuries from now on, given the hegemony of PCs, PDAs and many more gadgets which are yet to arrive.

So instead I made up my mind to finally make my mark in the blog world. I may be uncertain about my great great grand daughter able to read through my thoughts and my life but I am sure that my blog will reach unlimited readers all over the world. So till my next blog gets ready, goodbye, alvida, shabba khair :)

1 comment:

Sur said...

Welcome to the exciting and alluring world of blogging! And a good introductory post!

I always wonder what the remains of our generation would be, And I guess it would all be digital. So instead of having 'Anne Frank's Diary' we'll have 'Anne Frank's blog' in the future. :D